企业等级: | 普通会员 |
经营模式: | 生产加工 |
所在地区: | 江苏 苏州 |
联系卖家: | 吴琦 先生 |
手机号码: | 15995926117 |
公司官网: | |
公司地址: | 江苏省常熟市古里镇通华路1号2幢 |
? 传感器位于后部位置以及抓持区域占用空间更小的新理念。
? 可选磁性传感器 (1)。
? 只有在抓持物品时,传感器才打开。
? 带有弹簧开口的单动式驱动器。
? 高抓持力。
? 配有几个安装附件 (2)。
? 钢质颚式钳。
? FDA-H1 食品级润滑脂。
? 防止进入微小异物 (3)。
? 重型末端行程。
2-jaw self-centering angular pneumatic sprue
gripper, series DD
? New concept with retracted sensor and smaller dimensi0ns in
the grip area.
? Optional magnetic sensors (1).
? The sensor is ON only when something is gripped.
? Single acting with spring opening.
? Very high closing force.
? Several mounting accessories (2).
? Steel jaws.
? FDA-H1 food-grade grease.
? Protection against the entry of small foreign bodies (3).
? Heavy-duty end-strokes.
VG.PAAT 扁式 PTFE 吸盘,16 - 20 - 30 - 40
? PTFE 吸盘
? 硅氧烷补偿器
? 不锈钢配件
? 适用于zui高 300°C 的高工作温度
? PTFE 不粘在聚合物或热纤维上
? 弹性悬挂允许轴向和角向运动
颜色 白色
温度范围-20+300 °C
Before programming the sensor box, make sure that the wired inputs are in the confguration (ON/OFF) desired to enable the output. Press the AUTOSET button and hold it down for 3 seconds until the READING red light starts fashing, then release it.The red light (READING) fashing indicates that the microprocessor is reading and storing the state of all the inputs. Then the red light goes off and the output is enabled. Output enabling is indicated by the yellow light (STORED).